Carefully planned endings underpin the ending and discharge phase of care as individuals move on to further placements or independent living. This final phase of care and intervention aims to encourage independent living and provide opportunity for consolidation of skills training, risk management, self-management and therapy procedures. It also enables supported transition into identified placements or accommodation and establishment of new routines, activities, support networks and social groups.
Therapeutic relationships remain significant and the relational security and secure attachment base that has been the foundation to the care journey now provides a safety net for moving on. Measures and scales will again be reviewed to monitor progress but interventions focus around managing endings, goodbye-focussed interventions and the use of the service as a secure platform to reflect upon the inevitable anxieties about change and moving.
Care plans, risk management plans and positive behaviour support plans will continue to be used to inform relapse prevention and crisis management interventions and the team will work with statutory services and wider support networks to manage risk and promote continuity of care. Endings will remain in the spotlight in order to reduce the predictable risk of abandonment and rejection schemas being activated as discharge approaches.
Brief relapse and increase in risk behaviours are often associated with transition out of placements as attachments are disrupted and new key relationships are formed, difficulties will be managed using a strengths-based approach and least restrictive practice ensuring the individual in our care can feel confident in their abilities.
Camino will work closely with statutory, community and voluntary organisations to support transition out of services and will offer time-limited follow up and access to a leavers group where appropriate.